Creditors and debt collectors have many means available to them in attempting to collect debts. One of the most prevalent and frequently used methods of debt collection is placing telephone calls to collect the debt. Why? Consider the following…..
Because of their ease of use, effectiveness, and potential for maximizing profit, auto-dialers and pre-recorded voicemail messages play a huge role in invading a consumer’s privacy and harassing a debtor to pay his or her alleged debts. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) was created to protect consumers against such harassment and technological invasions of your privacy. Below are four specific areas where debt collectors and telemarketers can’t call. They Can’t Call…
Are creditors or debt collectors calling you, literally ringing your phone off of the hook? They can’t.
Creditors and debt collectors cannot use an auto-dialer or pre-recorded voicemail messages when calling a consumer’s cellular telephone to either collect debts or provide telemarketing messages without having prior permission to do so.
Are creditors or debt collectors calling for you and leaving messages at your place of employment? They can’t.
Are creditors or debt collectors calling your family and leaving message requesting a return call about a debt you owe? They can’t.
Are creditors or debt collectors calling your friends and leaving message requesting a return call about a debt you owe? They can’t.
Are creditors or debt collectors calling your neighbors and leaving message requesting a return call about a debt you owe? They can’t.